Tuesday, 17 August 2010


Well i was in Oslo the other day, cool place. I was expecting like a peasant town with lots of mooses and beautiful blonde Scandinavian girls carrying farm yard shit and not knowing what they could be.. i guess.
Though when we first got there, all i wanted to was sleep, and had such a headache. I actually haven't stopped at all this summer, which is a first, just been so busy. I really should be asleep now as i got a busy day tomorrow, but i haven't spent time on my blogs for a while..

 I don't know if i like planes anymore, they just annoy me now. Like the whole process of getting onto a plane is really irritating.

I took my Leica M8 with me this time on this trip along with my Canon AE-1 film camera and some other shitty one i bought for a pound. Was really reluctant to bring it as i get scared using it and cos it isn't even film. But it's good, i just think i'm going to have to sell it due to my uncontrollable spending habits.

I didn't really see much art around, but i found lots of things that had been left around.  Although what has been put onto this door is quite shit, but i think the layering up of different things to visually see works. 
This is one of the things i saw was just a "?" simple but i like it. Probably some random just whacked it on there whilst walking by, who knows. I found many a thing just stuck up onto the wall, but have yet to get those films developed with that evidence, also found a seahorse..
I think Oslo should be bigger though. 
I love this, was just big TV screens, with this broadcasting stations channels playing.
I love how grainy and fuzz it looks, reminds me of these two film makers Payne & Relph, to which i bought a well good book about them called "We don't have the option of turning away from the future."
I think kids of this day can relate to it. 
I'm tired and can't be bothered to put all my photographs up on here, but i shall. I'm out.  

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