Monday, 2 August 2010

I really don't understand whoever made this, what they were thinking.

I found this in the Cancer Research charity shop in cambridge and for a pound i bought it, i think mostly to show people this plate even though, people weren't that interested as it is just a plate. 

What was this designer thinking when decorative this simple plate, yeah i'll have a angry squid fighting a frog. I have to give it to whoever made this plate they have really caught the misery in the frogs face, it's like "fuck this, can't be having this now just kill me." 
Nether less i felt i needed it in my life, sorry people who are moving in with me next month. I think this plate has potential on the coffee table in the living room ha. after thinking about this just over a plate. I'm thinking who the fuck would buy such a ugly thing, but then i have..

After writing this most pointless post, i've realised three things. 
- I've written about a plate on my "art" blog...
I'm thinking who the fuck would buy such a ugly thing, but then i have..
- Why would a Squid/Octopus be knockin about the same place as a frog?

Fuck, this is what happens when i actually go home for a day. 

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