I really don't know how i've been so narrow minded with my work, like i look back at printed cut outs for pastes and i think really. Two years ago i was more inventive, i think it was just first year of uni of being depersonalised depressing idiot who just went out to get fucked.
I think going to Berlin made me realise how poor effort i was doing, so tonight me and flipflop (housemate but i prefer to call him that as his surname makes me think of flipflop..) decided to sort it out.
Also i think i've let people put me off things so much, i can't help looking at people with disgust with everything they say.
So yeah also mushrooms too, which was so quick to paint. The marker brings it out otherwise it looks shit. That's flipflop's "A" he is very good at typography. For those who don't know thats the uni board at the university, it pisses me off when i see shit about beach break live on it. Fuck that shit.
Though quite like those pastes behind of the woman, do wonder who did that.
Also giving cardboard and no more nails ago.
Probs should let it dry before taking a picture but doubt it's life expectancy will last long.
Photo quality is shit i know.
It's 4.30am and i'm just listening to Girl Talk, i fucking love these remixes.
Even though you can't see this hama bead, this is about 3-4 metres, fancy showing off my climbing skills. Pah.
Oh also, i think i am on for second year for uni now which is good, i literally would not know what i'd do if i wasn't in. Same again, really don't know what will happen after this degree, it isn't like i'm making it easy for myself. Could just draw some shitty childrens illustrations for books but instead i prefer to stick crap around town. Who knows.
So glad it is September now, end of a horrific summer. I adore autumn and the bad weather.